Sunday, March 9, 2008

Weekend Walk:

I put my new tele-converter lens on my camera and walked to the bay in hopes of catching sight of my favorite avian friend, the Great Blue Heron. My feathered neighbor was not at his usual hunting spot and in spite of the fact that this heron stands at almost 4 feet, I did not spy him anywhere. Then just as I decided to head back home, I spotted him, with his long neck tucked, resting among the reeds and low bushes. Perhaps one day he will raise his long black head plumes for my camera and I will share, with all of you, his beauty. As you can see, plumes raised or not he is one stunning bird.


Butchay said...

nice shot, nicely done..happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Heron's quite imposing. I like the color too. Didn't know they stand at 4 feet.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

wow! Your 4 feet feathered friend is gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

Great shots! Have a great week ahead!

SandyCarlson said...

Stunning photo. These wonderful birds are so very priestly. I love them. Thanks for this view.

Anonymous said...

hi! nice photos..x links?

Barb said...

They are magnificent, aren't they!? We have cranes, herons, egrets, red-tailed hawks and all kinds of creatures at our Swamp. They never cease to amaze me.

eastcoastlife said...

Oh yeah... that's a stunning bird! I was at a bird santuary today but didn't take any good pictures with my poor digital camera.

Emmyrose said...

amazing shots!
Thanks for dropping by!

poor man's nicole richie said...

whoa, 4 feet? i would not dare coming close to it.
great job and congrats because it showed up although not in its "proud" form.

Morning Sniffles

Anonymous said...

Great shot!

Have a great week ahead!


Liz said...

great shot! i didn't know herons are that big. happy ws.

Jeanne said...

nice shot...happy WS

a Tonggu Momma said...

Gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Cute bird! Fun shots! I'm so jealous. :)

Anonymous said...

what a professional shot!
and heron is awesome!

happy ws!

Ladynred said...

Very nice shot of the birds. Jud=st beautiful!

Anonymous said...

wow thats a nice one in here. Happy WS!

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful shots! :) but then, your "model" is beautiful, too! cheers!

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous! They are rather common here, and yet I always get a thrill when I see them. Just beautiful birds, and a great shot!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Wow! Thanks for all the complements on my photographic skills. But, honestly, it was just a lucky shot. Although, the Great Blue Heron is a common bird, I enjoy his beauty every time I see him.

Anonymous said...

nice shot! what a professional shot