On the far side of the field, out past the old barn "stands" a ghost town. Left on their own these homes, barns, and storage buildings have fallen victim to the harshest of elements, called age and weather. Yet when I look at them, I can picture the life which once resided within their walls, and on the tail end of the wind, I swear, I can hear a tracker running and the sound of children playing.

Why do I find the aging houses, barns, etc so intriguing? Apparently you do too. :)
Lisa Marie ~ Interesting question, I am not really sure but I have always been intrigued with old buildings and historic areas. When I was younger our home had a 1800s cemetery in the back yard. I would spend time reading the head stones and wonder about the lives of these people. (My sister still lives in this home.)
Or maybe because, my dad is a civil war buff and as a child he would pack up our family and off we would go to every memorial, battle site, and old building in the country. There are few I have not seen.
Or perhaps, I lived, in a past life, back in the 1800s?
Oh how interesting and eerie! Great photos!
I love the commentaries you add to your pictures. You find some really interesting places too! Thanks for stopping by and your kind words about Patch! BTW~I will be publicly announcing my award from you today. Have a great day!
this is a great subject for textures and details. i find these types of subjects faxcinating to look at through a lens. check out my pics at
http://flipix.blogspot.com and my blog at http://flipland2.blogspot.com.
Reminds me of Jenny's house in Forest Gump.
I love old, broken down buildings, too; but sometimes they make me sad...what happened, you know?
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