My small childhood home holds many wonderful memories. I was surrounded by family; grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. My parents felt, as my sister and I aged, we had outgrown this home. This greatly saddened my sister and me. We moved across town. Although my grandparents have long ago passed and extend family has also moved, my sister always held on to the dream of moving back into this neighborhood, onto “our” street. Several years ago, she purchased the house directly next our childhood home. A wonderful 1800 cemetery lays in her back yard. As children, we would often wander through reading the head stones. Over the years many have cracked and fallen but our favorite, from April 3, 1833, with this inscription still remains;
Behold and see as you pass by.
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, so you will be.
Prepare for death and follow me.
join in @ My World Tuesday.