2012 ~ Project 365 + 1 / 2011 ~ completed Project 365 ~ a one year, daily pictorial diary of my life.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Now with Irene in the rear view mirror, the news reports continue to come in. I watch in shock and awe being reminded if not for the pure luck it could have been my area. My heart goes out to those who are now suffering at the loss of life and all belongings. There is wide spread flooding which is worsening by the minute, rivers and creeks have not yet crested. Whole towns are still without power and word is it could takes weeks to restore. The forecasts had predicted major flooding along the shoreline. We were spared and most of my hometown is now with electric again. We didn't go without flooding and damage, just the majority occurred in the northern and inland parts of the state. I can’t tell you how very thankful I am.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thankfully, we made it through the storm with relatively little damage and (for me) no power loss. Irene brought very strong winds and driving rains. This I had expected and had prepared myself both with the supplies and mind. It wasn’t until the TV sounded the ear piecing emergency alarm and didn’t follow it with “this is a test”, that was a little unnerving. They were alerting us to a tornado watch, at the same time the lighting flashed through the angry sky and the thunder rolled. The storm raged on throughout the night.
This morning we awoke to calmer winds and a light rain. The storm had started to break and weaken. The first thing I did, text Phriend. Our hopes were to reach the boardwalk and ocean. We had heard the bridge to the barrier island remained closed but to our surprise as we approached we noticed cars crossing. We found most of the roads were flooded making many impassable. It was impossible to reach our, often photographed, boardwalk. We could have parked and walked but for safety reasons, we settled on photographing the surrounding area. Currently, the wind has picked back up reaching near 60mph, this along with the saturated ground is making it easy for trees to come down.
This morning we awoke to calmer winds and a light rain. The storm had started to break and weaken. The first thing I did, text Phriend. Our hopes were to reach the boardwalk and ocean. We had heard the bridge to the barrier island remained closed but to our surprise as we approached we noticed cars crossing. We found most of the roads were flooded making many impassable. It was impossible to reach our, often photographed, boardwalk. We could have parked and walked but for safety reasons, we settled on photographing the surrounding area. Currently, the wind has picked back up reaching near 60mph, this along with the saturated ground is making it easy for trees to come down.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
“Something Wicked This Way Comes” ~ we’re busy bracing for Irene’s arrival and it isn’t looking pretty. Perhaps, since I have safely experienced two hurricanes and many Nor’easters, I am not an alarmist. But frankly, this time I’m more than a bit concerned. Maybe, I am older and wiser, maybe the news reporters are over reporting, maybe locals are over reacting. Regardless, evacuations have begun off of our barrier islands and bridges and all major roadways are closed to incoming traffic. (sorry no Lighthouse storm photos) The roadways out of town are bumper to bumper. The storm is due to arrive late this afternoon. After work, I am going home and staying put. I do not plan on evacuating.
I continued to make preparations. The puppies and I will be home. B will be at the radio station updating reports. He was able to locate our one flashlight and, yes, the batteries were dead. For some unknown reason I felt one flashlight wasn't enough and had the need to purchase two new flashlights along with several packs of batteries. I have bottles of water for drinking and plan on filling the bathtub with(wine for calming my nerves) water for other uses. I will charge my cell phone and both of my camera batteries. I am doing laundry, washing my hair and shaving my legs. Oh, the horror of not being able to shave and not having clean clothes. I am just not going to be happy if the electric goes out and I am not able to upload photos and play on the internet. Wish us luck.
The calm before the storm ~
I continued to make preparations. The puppies and I will be home. B will be at the radio station updating reports. He was able to locate our one flashlight and, yes, the batteries were dead. For some unknown reason I felt one flashlight wasn't enough and had the need to purchase two new flashlights along with several packs of batteries. I have bottles of water for drinking and plan on filling the bathtub with
The calm before the storm ~
Friday, August 26, 2011
Things are little crazy around here. On Tuesday we experienced the effects of the earthquake which centered in Virginia. I, personally, didn’t feel the shaking, rocking and rolling but others in my area did. Never having been in an earthquake, I somehow feel cheated. Crazy right? No damage and all are safe.
Now we’re waiting and listening for the latest on Hurricane Irene. Wow! Two major natural events in one week, we just don’t have earthquakes or hurricanes here. What’s up?? Living on the coastline means we will must likely feel any and all effects from the 100 + mile/hour storm. I started preparations. Went to the grocery store and loaded up withgoodies food. Heaven’s forbid, B and I go with a meal or worse a snack. Think I will pick up a few extra batteries and try to locate the one flashlight we have.
Ok, I did called Phriend to see if she wanted to head over to the Lighthouse for the chance to capture some awesome storm shots. But I am predicting the bridge to the barrier island will be closed as, in lesser storms, the ocean rose to meet the bay. Flooding the entire island.
Maybe I’ll just shoot from inside the safety of my house and thinking it could be a good weekend to start that book I received from Santa this last Christmas.
Now we’re waiting and listening for the latest on Hurricane Irene. Wow! Two major natural events in one week, we just don’t have earthquakes or hurricanes here. What’s up?? Living on the coastline means we will must likely feel any and all effects from the 100 + mile/hour storm. I started preparations. Went to the grocery store and loaded up with
Ok, I did called Phriend to see if she wanted to head over to the Lighthouse for the chance to capture some awesome storm shots. But I am predicting the bridge to the barrier island will be closed as, in lesser storms, the ocean rose to meet the bay. Flooding the entire island.
Maybe I’ll just shoot from inside the safety of my house and thinking it could be a good weekend to start that book I received from Santa this last Christmas.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
This, nearly 100 year old, 1915 wood carousel was carved and assembled by the Dentzel company of Philadelphia. It was purchased by a local town and placed in a Special Carousel House along the shoreline. With it’s huge success, it became the origin of the boardwalk.
As a child, my sister, friends and I would run around it. Once we were able to reach the correct speed we would jump on, much like the freeloader on train cars, and catch a brief ride prior to being chased off by the operator. We would run off laughing at being able to steal yet another free ride.
Through the years it has needed restoration and lots of TLC. Dear friends of mine donated and worked on this project. For their invaluable efforts two horses were named for them. My friends, now in their 80s, have since moved.
The Merry-Go-Round has survived two major fires and several times over the recent years the owners have considered dismantling and selling off the individual horses, which would easily bring in over a $100,000 apiece. This was met with great opposition from both historians and local folks.
On yet another rainy summer day, I visit. I am now to old to reach it's speed (and besides a fence has be erected around it to prevent freeloaders) so I settle to just sit and listen to the sound of it’s Wurlitzer Military Band Organ while many a fond memory turn circles counter clockwise in my head.
As a child, my sister, friends and I would run around it. Once we were able to reach the correct speed we would jump on, much like the freeloader on train cars, and catch a brief ride prior to being chased off by the operator. We would run off laughing at being able to steal yet another free ride.
Through the years it has needed restoration and lots of TLC. Dear friends of mine donated and worked on this project. For their invaluable efforts two horses were named for them. My friends, now in their 80s, have since moved.
The Merry-Go-Round has survived two major fires and several times over the recent years the owners have considered dismantling and selling off the individual horses, which would easily bring in over a $100,000 apiece. This was met with great opposition from both historians and local folks.
On yet another rainy summer day, I visit. I am now to old to reach it's speed (and besides a fence has be erected around it to prevent freeloaders) so I settle to just sit and listen to the sound of it’s Wurlitzer Military Band Organ while many a fond memory turn circles counter clockwise in my head.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
This arachnid has been enjoying his summer at our home. Each evening as dark falls he quitely appears at our back door and with each sunrise he and his web are gone. It has B and I pondering. Can he fold it up like a pop tent? Pulling in each corner and folding it up for the next days use. We have affectionately dubbed it his “Winnebego Web” as it comes and goes as easily as he does, plus it has the added convenience of catching dinner while all he has to do is hang around.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I have come to the realization that capturing a web worthy photo of a hummingbird is damn near impossible. I commended those of you who have achieved this.
Imade asked B to come with me to an area which has become to be known as a mecca for ruby-throated hummingbirds, who come to feed before they migrate south on their long annual journey. I thought I would stand a better chance of capturing a good photograph if there were many subjects to practice on.
We chose to go to this garden at the beginning of their arrival. The number in attendance was not as great as I had hoped. I learned, the hummers feed for approximately five minutes before needing to digest what they have taken in. They fly off to a nearby tree to rest and process their meal. This takes about fifteen minutes and this act only serves to frustrate this photographer.
A return visit may be in order.

We chose to go to this garden at the beginning of their arrival. The number in attendance was not as great as I had hoped. I learned, the hummers feed for approximately five minutes before needing to digest what they have taken in. They fly off to a nearby tree to rest and process their meal. This takes about fifteen minutes and this act only serves to frustrate this photographer.
A return visit may be in order.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Another from yesterdays, walk along the boards ~
I softened (slight blur) this photograph and because I used a wide angle filter, which tends to produce a black circle around the edges, I used a vintage effect to lessen the noticeable of the outer dark circle.
There was yet another storm rolling in and the clouds in the sky made for the perfect backdrop.
I softened (slight blur) this photograph and because I used a wide angle filter, which tends to produce a black circle around the edges, I used a vintage effect to lessen the noticeable of the outer dark circle.
There was yet another storm rolling in and the clouds in the sky made for the perfect backdrop.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
We have many ocean side boardwalks but only four (which I can think of) that house amusement rides. B and I frequent three, as they are in close proximity to our home. The fourth is a little over an hour drive and it has been years since I have walked those boards and B has never. Note, I said walk. I do not subject myself to being twisted, turned, shaken upside down, and/or swung in circles until I’m dizzy and my stomach has come through my nose. The rainy weather final broke, well for a few hours anyway. We thought some fresh sea salt air and the ocean’s song were in order for the day.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
B and I had hopes of spending several of our vacation days sitting in the sand, listening to the waves, and basking in the sun. What we hadn’t planned on was this endless rain storm. I am enjoying the dark mornings and the lullaby of rain on the roof. It has been delightful to sleep past 6:00 a.m. and continue the slow pace through out the course of the day. And I always thought, rain or shine, ANY day at the beach is a good one.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I like to say Murf blows his coat twice a year, from May to October and from October to May. Today I undertook the endless task of being his groomer and spent the better part of an hour brushing out his undercoat. He is now half his previous size. I only wish I could slim down with the mear brushing of a comb through my hair. Perhaps I just need to use the "furminator".
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Can you all hear the music playing while B and I do the happy “I don’t have to go to work today, or the next day or the one after that” dance? We have the next 6 days off and I can’t tell you how wonderful it will be to just hit the beach and/or do nothing.
The weather this pass week has been delightful, low humidity, temperatures in the 80s with cotton ball clouds decorating the, well sky blue, sky. Just hoping this next week brings the same. Regardless, me, B and our chairs will be in the sand listening to the rhythmic pattern of the ocean waves, while our spirits are renewed.
The weather this pass week has been delightful, low humidity, temperatures in the 80s with cotton ball clouds decorating the, well sky blue, sky. Just hoping this next week brings the same. Regardless, me, B and our chairs will be in the sand listening to the rhythmic pattern of the ocean waves, while our spirits are renewed.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Since the early 1800 people have been seaching for and collecting Cape May diamonds. These rough stones can be found along the shore lines of the Cape's sunset beach. While they are actually quartz, when smoothed and polished they resemble diamonds. I found these during a midwinter walk. I haven’t had them polished. I prefer them in their natural state.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Another crazy big adventure, I text Phriend last evening informing her I would be heading out at 5:30 a.m. to take photographs of the circus which had pulled into town. Silly as it sounds, she thought this as good of an idea as I did. So early this morning I picked her up just as the sun was rising, it started pouring down rain.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
One of my favorite beaches to frequent is Island Beach State Park. It is one of the few remaining undeveloped barrier islands along the Atlantic coast. Besides having some the most gorgeous, sugar sand beaches and rolling waves, it is home to an abundance of wildlife. Often while “renewing my spirit” I have the joy of watching dolphin playing and feeding in the waves, pelican scoop for a meal and Osprey fly over with the catch of the day. There is a large number of red fox who call this 10 mile island home but they are true to their character and shy from people. This evening not only did we see several but luck be with me, I had my camera.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
One husband, two black labs, and three tennis balls makes for an enjoying evening at the beach.
On a scale of 1 - 10, it was easily a 25!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Last week Phriend had mentioned she found a field of black eye susans.
I am still in possession of her wide angle lens and feeling like a complete “copycat”, I went over to the field.
It was a gorgeous sight.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Not many butterflies at the gardens, just this fellow.
I am not well versed on inserts and am not certain what this is.
I just liked it's red color against the green milkweed plant.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
I, along with several other co-workers, had to go out to Philadelphia today for a business meeting. I didn’t bring my camera with me and the meeting ran longer then I had planned for. Knowing I would arrive home after dark, I thought I could take a photo of one of the famed Philadelphia pretzels we had carried out with us. But since the day had run long and we were hungry, we eat all the pretzels, calling it dinner. Resulting in me missing my POD photo op!
So I will share one more photograph from the weekend’s balloon festival. I have been playing around with HDR. I have much to learn about it but I did like the effect it gave this shot.
So I will share one more photograph from the weekend’s balloon festival. I have been playing around with HDR. I have much to learn about it but I did like the effect it gave this shot.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I had been wanting to take Phriend’s wide angle lens on a play date and what better place then the Balloon Fest.
This past weekend, we swapped her wide for my marco.
This past weekend, we swapped her wide for my marco.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Although I have been to the Hot Air Balloon Festival several time before, I still find it to be one awesome sight. The Festival runs for 3 days and the balloon ascension takes places 5 times over the course of these days. They rise to the skies at 6:30 am and 6:30 pm. We watched them twice while there. It is a sight I could never tire of.
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