Monday, August 29, 2011


Thankfully, we made it through the storm with relatively little damage and (for me) no power loss. Irene brought very strong winds and driving rains. This I had expected and had prepared myself both with the supplies and mind. It wasn’t until the TV sounded the ear piecing emergency alarm and didn’t follow it with “this is a test”, that was a little unnerving. They were alerting us to a tornado watch, at the same time the lighting flashed through the angry sky and the thunder rolled. The storm raged on throughout the night.

This morning we awoke to calmer winds and a light rain. The storm had started to break and weaken. The first thing I did, text Phriend. Our hopes were to reach the boardwalk and ocean. We had heard the bridge to the barrier island remained closed but to our surprise as we approached we noticed cars crossing. We found most of the roads were flooded making many impassable. It was impossible to reach our, often photographed, boardwalk. We could have parked and walked but for safety reasons, we settled on photographing the surrounding area. Currently, the wind has picked back up reaching near 60mph, this along with the saturated ground is making it easy for trees to come down.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...who's more or the woman standing out there?
Love how the darkened edges really set off the focus of the picture!

Anonymous said...

I guess it wasn't cold by the looks of how she's dressed.

Melinda said...

Glad you are OK- and posting!!! Sure looks wet! Great photo ops, but nothing worth risking your life over! Hope you and your neighbors haven't sustained any damage.

Gretchen said...

WOW! Great shot! Seems like Irene was rough, but spared many. Continue to stay safe!

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Glad to hear all is well Trish. We've been through our share of bad storms and feel for you. To go without losing electricity--you're blessed. Hope your week goes well. I'm sure there will be a lot of clean-up to do.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts have been with those on the East Coast. Glad to read you are all right Trish.

Anonymous said...

Awesome shot! So glad to hear you're doing ok and are out photographing the scenes. :)