Monday, April 18, 2011


Some of my earliest memories are those of me kneeling at my neighbor’s dining room table, watching her pinning and cutting out dress patterns. She was a women, who often watched me. She was old enough to be my grandmother, but I would call her my first real friend. I would spend time just hanging out with her, eating a bologna sandwich, walking up the street to the candy shop, going for after dinner bicycle rides in the summertime and having sleepovers. It was from her that I gained my love for sewing.

head over to Lisa's Chaos to join the Marco Monday fun


Sarah P. said...

I love the detail in this shot. And the story, how nice.

Anonymous said...

Niiiiice job! I'd love a picture like this hanging in my sewing room. I don't think I'd have the patience to get the focusing tack sharp on the eye of the needle!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Isn't it wonderful to have such great memories? That is a very creative shot. Well done.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful story to go with an equally beautiful photo.

Anonymous said...

That's an incredible picture, and the story really gives it meaning. What a wonderful tribute to your neighbor.


Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

You brought back sweet memories, Trish. Sounds like she was a loving woman. Hope you have a great week.

Anonymous said...

What a clever shot - the selective focus and detail are awesome.

Melinda said...

Beautiful focus and composition, Trish! And I love the story too!

Anonymous said...

Great shot.

Karin said...

Very interesting! I like how you only included a bit of color on the left, and left most of it as empty space - I think it makes the photo even more interesting.

joco said...

What fun!
That's how I need to see it, fully enlarged, before I can thread a needle :-)
Never realized that there is a dip in the top of the hole.

Laura said...

I love the simplicity of this photo and the way it opens your heart to fond memories...precious.

Courtney said...

What a sweet and special friend you had! How cool! My mother taught me all about sewing, quilting, and all things crafty! I love this shot with the colors on the left and all the empty space on the right!! Also, love all the new tabs up top!! Looks so fancy!!

4 Lettre Words said...

Wow...that is really amazing, Trish!

Chelsea said...

How beautiful, the post and the picture! Such sweet memories for you!

Liza said...

love the colors and DOF!

Dutchbaby said...

My mother is a quilter, and I used to sew most of my clothes when I was in high school. Lovely shot!

Carrie said...

Oh, wow! Love this macro shot! And the backstory, too. Thanks for the macro tip last week. I definitely want to play around with macro, but it's harder than it looks :)

Jay said...

What a great image!

I learned to love sewing from watching my mother but it wasn't until I went to secondary school that I really had the chance to try it for myself. Mum never had the time to sit down with me to teach me, and she had a temperamental old Singer and was constantly afraid of 'putting the tension out'. LOL!

Keara @ Now I Know What Life Is All About said...

What a sweet story and a nice picture to go along with it.

Catherine said...

Wow, this is very cool! Love your comp, too!

Janell said...

beautiful shot and beautiful story! Are you using a macro lens?

elizabeth said...

I love the clarity of the needle and how the thread captures the colors being reflected on -
great job

Photography said...

I love this - simple yet so much. And the story is lovely :-)

Unknown said...

This is a great shot! I imagine it was a bit difficult to focus on the sewing needle.

Wonderful story also!

Gretchen said...

LOVE this! =)