Mystery of the Tissue:
(written by B and originally posted on his LW blog)
What is it that lurks deeply under the surface of the common household Kleenex, or for that matter, any brand of tissue? What dark mysteries unseen provide such temping olfactory delights that serve to draw dogs large and small to them like magnets to steel? In some twisted plot, has the Tissue Manufacturer's Association of America planted a subtle hint of Milk Bone, perhaps aromas of Beef or Cheese in the fibers of these products that only dogs can smell? In addition, have they conspired with the people at Charmin and Bounty to perpetrate this conspiracy with all paper products? It would certainly seem so. How else could one explain that LW and seemingly every other dog on the planet attempts to scarf down these paper products as if consuming a T-bone made-to-order? Regrettably, we may never know the answer to this; but interestingly, out of adversity can come triumph. Not only does their evil plot inadvertently help sell more paper products; 24 hours later it results in a self-cleaning dog. Hmmmmm. More on this story as it develops.

Oh...I love doggie pictures! That is precious!
Good pictures of a lovely dog or dogs!
Wonderful photo today ... and you raise an excellent question about the attraction of tissue. Mine's up at Small Reflections ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Can it get any cuter than that?
A beautiful image! Kudos!
Cheers, Klaus
Very cute picture beautiful dog
What a beautiful dog!
Bwahahahaha this post is absolutely genious!!! I LOVE it - this is one of my favorite posts ever!
Thanks for the best laugh today - I have dogs that find this irresistible too! What a handsome and innocent looking face on LW!
My Camera Critter
sweet doggie!
OMG! I am melting over here... that is perfectly awesome!
Mountain Retreat Photos
This dog is beautiful. And clean.
Great narrative. Brilliant photo.
Fabulous shot!
I played too :)
Beautiful face!
You have three beautiful dogs there. I love the shot and the story that accompanied it. :)
Words cannot say what I feel about this image today. Lets' just say it's so adorable that is's really brightened a vey bad day for me. Thanks so much for this pic today.
Give me that dog! He is so huggable and kissable
"self-cleaning dog" - I'm cracking up!
I love the picture, too. What a face.
That is a wonderful photo!
This dog is so cute. He looks so sweet. Come and see my allegators.
Very very cute photo!
Thank you so much for sharing it - and for the great laugh!
My critter can be found here today. =)
beautiful photo! Incredible.
Want to hear more on the story too.
You obviously love this one very much. You have to have strong love to be able to take a photo showing your dog's soul. :)
Uh-oh, it still hasn't come out? Poor pup!
I want that dog. Ohhh, this photo is just priceless! :)
And my mouth dropped open when I read this post! It described Buddy to an absolute T. His affinity for chewing up tissues, notebook paper, even little pieces of scratch paper on the coffee table are well known.
I wish B much success in his quest to uncover the mystery of the kleenex magnet!
That picture is so adorable. I just want to love on her/him. Very precious.
He is soooo cute! He is exactly the dog my husband wants. Hopefuly next month we will be able to go on a "hunt" :o)
LOL! Funny Story-thank goodness Patch didn't do that! Beautiful Picture-as always!
Oh what a precious picture! The black and white focus really suits this breed.
I may have to have some fun with black and white!
no wonder I have a separate budget just for paper. Great post sandy
We think Vader is part termite.
hmmmm that's a clever question. that's a sweet photo. :)
Are you away on vacation this week? I just thought about you when I read a blog of another talented photographer. I don't know if you ever saw her blog http://l-squared[dot]blogspot[dot]com. She is legaly blind and has a LD called Willow. She is looking for guest blogger for her Blogathon. Check her blog out if you are interested, just thought you would be a perfect guest...
Ivanhoe ~ no I am sorry to say I am not on vacation, wish I was. I very been very busy and haven't had the time to take, upload, edit, and blog my photos. Yes, "L" is one of daily stops. She is a great photographer and wonderful writer.
These are very important questions at our house, where tissues rival the philosopher's stone. We can't wait to hear more on this subject.
Just thought I'd stop in and say hi! I've been missing your photo posts this week. Hope everything is okay with you.
I have photos of birds with tissues, an no I don't know hy they like it. I know this though, this is such a lovely portrait. Absuloutely precious image, of such a wonderful dog.
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