Saturday, August 27, 2011


“Something Wicked This Way Comes” ~ we’re busy bracing for Irene’s arrival and it isn’t looking pretty. Perhaps, since I have safely experienced two hurricanes and many Nor’easters, I am not an alarmist. But frankly, this time I’m more than a bit concerned. Maybe, I am older and wiser, maybe the news reporters are over reporting, maybe locals are over reacting.  Regardless, evacuations have begun off of our barrier islands and bridges and all major roadways are closed to incoming traffic. (sorry no Lighthouse storm photos) The roadways out of town are bumper to bumper. The storm is due to arrive late this afternoon.  After work, I am going home and staying put.  I do not plan on evacuating.

I continued to make preparations. The puppies and I will be home. B will be at the radio station updating reports. He was able to locate our one flashlight and, yes, the batteries were dead. For some unknown reason I felt one flashlight wasn't enough and had the need to purchase two new flashlights along with several packs of batteries. I have bottles of water for drinking and plan on filling the bathtub with (wine for calming my nerves) water for other uses. I will charge my cell phone and both of my camera batteries. I am doing laundry, washing my hair and shaving my legs. Oh, the horror of not being able to shave and not having clean clothes.  I am just not going to be happy if the electric goes out and I am not able to upload photos and play on the internet. Wish us luck.

The calm before the storm ~


Gretchen said...

I'm sending "go away Irene" thoughts your way. She's supposed to get to us Sat afternoonish, BUT it looks like we lucked out again and are just outside the threat areas. Irene seems to be leaving us alone. Stay safe! LOVE this shot by the way... I want to be there!!

Heidi said...

I think that is how I would handle the potential storm too-I was just talking to a friend about that.. maybe I am naive but staying in bed with my doggie and my daughter.. not so bad. But if it is super hot and muggy-ICK! I love your shot... good luck (what do I say to you about the storm?).. I am seriously thinking about you all.. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't which is worse. Here in California everything is fine then wham, earthquake. Then we deal with it. There, you know it is coming, you prepare and then you wait, you work through it, then deal with the aftermath. Be safe.

Kalyan Panja said...

simply beautifully captured shot....lovely!

Anonymous said...

Oooh-- you know how much I love sunbursts and sunflare, so I LOVE this picture!
Stay safe-- my mom said she remembers how much the game farm floods when it rains, so if you guys need a place to go, you and the doggies are welcome here!

Unknown said...

Hope you stay safe!

Melinda said...

I LOVE this one! Beautiful sunburst and flare. Wondering what your next photo will be. . .
Stay safe!

Karli @ The Bonnie 5 said...

Oh WOW! What a gorgeous calm before the storm! I read your most recent posts too - thank goodness you made it thru with little damage. Scary!

Anonymous said...

Love the flare in this and the starburst is stunning.