Tuesday, April 1, 2008

the Colors of the Rainbow:

...so pretty in the sky. The day started out cloudy and rainy. Late morning the sun started peeking out, so I gathered up the dogs and headed out to the fields. I’m glad I did.


Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Hey, April Fool's everyone! Did it with a rainbow filter. Did I get ya?

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

Good one! You got me. Pretty cool, though.

L^2 said...

LOL I wondered if you had photoshoped it in or something. :-)

Mercedes said...

I just knew that wasn't real! That is too cool what you can do though! Beautiful picture with or without the rainbow! BTW-I love rainbows!

Teresa said...

You sure did! It is Hallmark perfect, though!

Unknown said...

WHat a beautiful rainbow! Nice shot!