Friday, January 13, 2012

13/352 + 1

After playing around a bit with the portrait shots last Sunday, I was anxious to give it another go round. B is always happy to let me photograph him but it comes with a price. After I taking numerous photos, I packed my gear away and off we went to the sporting goods shop to look around at “flies”, lures and reels.  Perhaps it’s time for me to start looking for other models.  ♥ you B ~


Anonymous said...

It's only fair after all the camera bodies, lenses and filters I'm sure you make him look at! Hehe

Anonymous said...

You know, you could make a trip to the sporting goods store work in your favor. Macro close-ups of flies, lures, reel parts, could be interesting. Imagination girl.

Ivanhoe said...

Hahahaha! Everything comes with price. I have to talk to my hubby into modeling. We'll see :)