Thursday, January 5, 2012

5/360 +1

Part of our job while raising Seeing Eye puppies is to exposure them to the world in which they will be working. Each year, between Christmas and New Years, our local group of raisers take our puppies on a train ride. B and I, still puppyless, borrowed this lovely lady, Zoe. She is 9 months old and behaved like a pro.


Jaime said...

How wonderful what you do! About the time my brother passed away, my parents were looking in to getting him a 'companion dog'. My brother...had Spina Bifida and was confined to his wheelchair. The dog would have given him more independence as he got older. Really....this is a neat thing. :)

Liz said...

This is wonderful Trish! I have great respect for those of you who raise seeing eye puppies.
Gorgeous image too.

Ivanhoe said...

Oh wow! Another pretty Zoe :) So when are you getting a new puppy?

Carrie said...

Zoe is gorgeous! So cool to get to go on a train ride every year for the sole purpose of training the pups!