On this cold January afternoon, I turned the electic blanket on earlier than usual. It's warmth was to difficult to resist and I found myself drawn to it's electric heat. It drew me in as if it were a magnet and the thought of a enjoying a midday nap crept into mind. The "girls" must have felt the same pull and joined me. Willow understood exactly what I had in mind, Shyla, true to form, had to sniff, lick and otherwise be the little adorable investigator, she is.
I was finding it difficult to get the correct settings, I didn't know if I should adjust for the white walls and sweater or on the puppies. Decision was to desatutate and lighten it up in Photoshop. I like the way it softened the colors creating a blending. However, I would have liked Willow and Shyla's adorable faces to be a little more defined. Any suggestions?
Lol...I love how you're having a stare down as if to see who's bed it really is. (And we all know its really their bed--they just let you sleep there...)
Mmm...that is a tough one! It's hard to get your skin and the dogs coats all properly exposed. In a situation like this I would suggest metering off of a gray card. Do you have one?? They aren't too expensive. I love that they snuggled up next to you on your warm blanket :O)
I like this shot. You guys look snuggly. As for your question, I'm no genius but my suggestion would be: to open your aperture, say 3 or even 2.8. That would allow you to increase your shutter speed & let more light in. Indoor shooting is so tough, believe me, check some of MY settings. ;)
Very sweet. I love snuggling with the dogs, they are always so comforting. Do you meter in matrix mode? that might be better in this situation rather than spot. Or do you have an external flash? that might help if you bounce it to the wall behind you. But honestly, it's a tough call.
No real suggestions. Just love the pups snuggled close. Our golden thinks she's a lap dog.
I love this shot! Instantly made me smile!
Such sweet pups. . and spoiled too :) Our dogs would love to be on the bed. . .I just don't think there is room for all of us!
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