Last evening, a photo friend and I were practicing night photography. To be more exact, we were trying to create a starburst effect from the light which sits a top our local lighthouse. We had been successfully practicing this effect with Christmas lights and the sun; and after seeing several photographs, of different lighthouses, with fabulous starburst, we knew we needed to have a photo like that of our neighboring guiding light. Off we went on a 19° F night, we set our tripods, adjusted our setting, crossed our fingers and with a remote opened the shutter.
While I am happy with the images we obtained, we were not able to capture the effect we set off after. Perhaps we were too close to the light? Do you need to be further away? Does the light need to be stationary? Ours revolves. I believe I had the correct settings as I did get a burst from the lower illumining tower light. Any suggestions??
I learned, I am getting better at night photography but just when I think I have this down ~ I really don’t!
Please critique, any and all comments are always welcome.
ISO 1600, f/5.6, .77 sec
ISO 800, f/22, 30 secview others @ Sky Watch Friday.
Your last sentence summed up the night perfectly! I saved my lighthouse pictures for tomorrow so I could use it has my "I Learned...." as
I hope someone can shed some light on this so we can try again (get it...shed some light? Haha...sorry)
Lovely shot of the Lighthouse. you are brave to be out late at night in the cold.
Definitely wanting to work on night photography at some point this year! I think these are both lovely photos.
I would love to follow your blog but don't see a follower box :) I will try to add it to my reader by url but for some reason that doesn't always work ;)
Even though you didn't get your effect, they are really beautiful photos!
great capture!
I think they're great shots starburst or not. I know it might be hard with the light turning around at the top, but did you happen to try shielding your lens from the light, adjusting your settings and then letting go? Just a thought, it worked for me indoors once, but I know that outdoors is a million times harder. So, I say, way to go for giving it your all!! Beautiful pictures either way!
What effect were you trying to capture in your photo? I love the photo and am impressed by your dedication to practice when the weather is 19 degrees. I don't even go out birding when it's that cold, let alone go out with a camera!
Oh my goodness, those are beautiful! So crisp and clear! You may not have done what you set out to do, but the results are great!
Gorgeous! Love the blue in the first one.
I love your work! I just started a 365 please stop by if you can
Oh man, I wish I had some tips on night time photography but honestly, I avoid it altogether! haha. Especially after a particularly frustrating evening where I spent forever trying to get a pic of the moon! It can be so frustrating.
Oh, Trish! Your night time photography just keeps getting better and better!! I just love, love love love the first one! It is so sharp and crisp and with the sky that beautiful blue. Wow!! Great job! I wish I knew how to photography light houses. I would say just keep that aperture really narrow (like around f22) like your second photo. Maybe I need to grab a friend and find a light house as well :O)
Even though you didn't get your starbursts I really really love these. I need to get out more at night with my camera. I sometimes have the same problem trying to capture starburst at night, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe Courtney has some insight?
Stunning, sharp photos.You're so lucky to have a friend to go out practicing photography with.
Great shots, night photography is very hard due to the low shutter speeds but its good if the buildings are floodlit like the lighthouse. You did great work and seem to be little noise in them too.
Both are very very beautiful! I l♥ve them!!! That blue sky is sooo very blue... AWESOME!
Happy SWF! =)
Wow this is fantastic!! Love both photos.
Winter sky
I LOVE the first one. I haven't tried night photos yet. Thanks for sharing your settings.
Wow - those night shots are wonderful! I still haven't mastered the art of night photography...
Wow, absolutely stunning. I really really want to get shots like this but I haven't found any good lighthouses yet by me. Great work.
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