Saturday, January 1, 2011



Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to documenting 2011 through a pictorial daily diary on a Project 365. If you’re a new visitor to my little place in cyber space, please feel free to take a look around.

You will find my photographs are not always consistent. I have days in which I can take 100s of photos and I am pleased with each of them. Often getting false thoughts, thinking I have mastered this thing called photography. On other days I can take 100s of photos, upload them, and as I start to viewing, I find myself wondering if my camera was even at the same location I was.

I started thinking about what I should post as my first photo, I wanted a photo of my husband and I, in a warm embrace, with lots of Christmas tree bokeh in the background. What I had in my minds eye and what I actually photographed were in fact two different images. It is a bit over exposed and to my disappointment, no bokeh. My current lens stops at f/5.6. I am happy to report I did order a new lens, a 60mm f/2.0!! As a result of the poor image, I tried another idea and again I am disappointed with the result.

I promise I will continue with the project, I just can’t promise you’ll be viewing a “professional” type image. Please critique, any and all comments are always welcome. My hope is to learn about and to improve my photographs while undertaking this project.


Anonymous said...

I have to ask though, did you take this picture at midnight and already have it uploaded or did you set your watch ahead and take it earlier?
I uploaded one at 11:50 just so I could have one in before the new year and technically start at 0/365(instead of 1/365...because in my world, the number line starts at

Courtney said...

What a great way to start off the year of photos!! Very creative idea!

Unknown said...

Hey I think as long as you keep taking pictures they become better! So even if you dont think that this is a good looking photo Im glad you still took it! Because I like it! good job!

Branson said...

I like this photo. I am doing a 365 and can pretty much promise they will all need work, but I hope to enjoy the process! :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is nice to "meet" you also. I love this shot of the watch a great way to stop time. :) Happy New Year! I look forward to following your blog.