Sunday, March 11, 2012

71/294 + 1

It’s been nearly two months since Phriend and I went on a photo adventure. With the weather promising to be cooperative (not that we really care what the weather is), we once again, gathered up camera gear and headed out. Our travels took us to Batsto Village, an 1800s ore mining town complete with general store, post office, grist mill, blacksmith and wheel shop, barns, ice houses, sawmill, and the mansion. All of the buildings remain intact and displayed as they would have been during the many years of activity. To our disappointment, no photography was permitted in the mansion but all other buildings were free game.

Admittedly, some of the building were old and more than a bit creepy but true to our sense of adventure, Phriend and I left no building unexplored. I found the Grist Mill offered lots of old time shots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neat photo! The old buildings probably provided much better photo ops than the mansion did anyway.