Monday, November 7, 2011


I guess this technical isn't a marco but I wasn't getting any closer to it!

join in the Marco Monday fun over @ Lisa's Chaos


Anonymous said...

Ah come on, get closer! :)

Christina said...

omg! awesome shot, and quite close enough!

Jennifer Thompson said...

You got closer than I would have!

Jan n Jer said...

Wow...I wouldnt either! Great shot!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow... smart to keep your distance!

Laura said...

exquisite...and hey, safety first!!!

Karen said...

I'd say that's a macro, and a good one. A lot of detail when enlarged!

Ida said...

Terrific detail and you were plenty brave enough. Well done.

Anonymous said...

You've captured some great details and I wouldn't have gotten any closer either!

Melinda said...

Yikes! Now THAT is scary! Great capture!