Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Sorry for the rant today. Yesterday I tried to make light of the adventure Phriend and I were on. But seriously, we should have thought it through. We have seen no less than 1000 photos of the Barnegat Lighthouse and in our quest to capture something a little different. I suggested driving over to the barrier island across from the lighthouse and shooting across the inlet. We haven’t seen many, if any photos, from this view point.

That should have been a hint. Yesterday, we undertook the task of capturing these photos. It wasn’t easy. We had to walk a total of 3 miles through the NJ sugar sand. It’s soft and your feet sink under, making it difficult to walk on. It was high tide, so as to avoid getting the cameras wet, we were unable to walk in the cooling water and we blistered our feet walking on the burning hot sand.  To make matters worse, not realizing we would have to walk such a distance and spend that much time in the sun, we hadn’t used sunscreen. We’re fried, extra crispy.  And I will not mention the number of greenhead fly bites we have.  No wonder, we don’t see many photos from this angle.

I have spent $1000s on my camera and lenses, spent hours learning to edit and texture my photos. Viewed millions of others photos, all in the hopes of improving and learning about my photography. Than with a right click someone else steals the photo and uses it as her facebook profile photo. Really!!

So do I say something, let it go, defriend, or just remain confused as to why people think just because a photo is posted on the internet they have a right to it?


Anonymous said...

No need to apologize for your rant. It makes for fun reading, at your expense of course. I've done many silly (re: stupid) things in my life and they always make for great stories. And after all, it is those stories we long remember and when things go smoothly we soon forget. Am new to your blog. Don't recall how I came by it but I do enjoy your photos of which I will never right click on. I don't do facebook either.

Anonymous said...

First off- I just love what you did to this picture- almost looks HDR (or is it? lol. I was right next to you, I think I'd know if you were attempting an
Second- I say defend your rights. I read somewhere that as soon as you take that picture it is copyrighted to you- a different type of copyright, but still a copyright. Obviously its bothered you enough to write about it here (and rightfully so-- it's an important topic to discuss!), but if it's really bothering you, I say send a private message politely ask her to remove it, and explain your reasons for wanting her to do so. Good luck and let me know what happens!

Melinda said...

OMG- how insensitive (to say the least)! I would hope that she at least said here is a fabulous photo by my friend Trish- isn't she awesome? Go visit her blog! Did she crop it so your watermark doesn't show??? I would send her a polite note explaining why you watermark and that what she did is not really allowed in the photography world.

Melinda said...

Which photo did she abscond with????

BTW- I love today's photo (but I won't be doing any right clicking!)!!!

elizabeth said...

so sorry Trish -
that sucks - you know you can "lock" your photos {not sure if that's the right term} and prevent others from doing that -
it may be under your settings for your blog
check it out

elizabeth said...

opps - I'd say something - or it will continue to happen

Chelsea said...

Ouch, I hope that you are both feeling better. Maybe a little aloe will help! ;) What a trek, but it makes for a great story and a neat shot...sorry to hear about the theft! That's just a little much!

Sarah P. said...

Wow...that's a pretty crappy thing for a friend to do. That takes some serious you know what. I would ask the "friend" to take it down and then defriend. That's crazy. The photo is beautiful, though, and it should be after all of your efforts!

Unknown said...

What we will do to get that "perfect" shot. Hope you are feeling better soon!

As for the stolen photo, I would definitely confront the person who took it. If you let it go, that is only opening yourself up for more potentially stolen photos.

Gretchen said...

UGH! The things people do. I had a "friend" steal on of my photos awhile ago and put it on her blog as her own. I let it go, but I was pissed. If she does it again, I will be writing to her. It just isn't cool...

This is a great shot!! Love the fishing boats!!