Saturday, October 2, 2010

Willow Critter ~

Willow, my 3 year old, tail wagging, full of enthusiasm for life, black lab, critter. ♥

Visit Camera Critters.


L^2 said...

Aww... ♥ Hope you are all doing well.

penny said...

He is a beautiful dog, Trish. We had a black Lab when I was young, we called him Inky :)

Janet said...

Labs are the sweetest dogs! We enjoy a neighbor's lab who visits almost everyday.

jabblog said...

Willow has been swimming, I see. Well, a walk's not a proper walk for a Labrador without at least one dip in a pond or, in extremis, a puddle!

Janell said...

what a beautiful dog!

Captain Shagrat said...

You probably know not all black labs look the same. Willow has that softer so......glam look, no hard lines. I don't do regret but if I could do something all over again it would be not doing my degree which took 6 long years at open uni. In retrospect those years could have been better spent on so many MORE.. adventures with my black lab Harry. Not that he's missed out during that time, as he's so loved in our family. He is such a great person.... character, it's been a pleasure

Unknown said...

simply adorable.

Boom Nisanart said...

Lovely dog and I guess he is a very good boy : )

Everyday Mr Puddy

eileeninmd said...

I love labs, Willow is a beautiful dog. Great shot!

Forgetfulone said...

What a beautiful dog. Reminds me of our Rocky.

Mel_Cole said...

I like your dog. Very well taken care of. Shiny hair.

Mel @ Arty Bluejay

Unknown said...

Willow looks very regal!