Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just because:

I am not usually much of a whiner, but besides having to pay my taxes (state, federal and property), it is a cold, windy, rainy, miserable “Spring” day here in the Northeast. In the hopes of a little mood change, I called my sister. As they say, to add salt to the wound, she is heading into New York City (one of my favorite places to visit) to a flower show. I am unable to go since I have to work later this evening. All of this is leaving me in the need of a little (big) pick me up. To no avail, I already ate some (ok lots) of the Easter chocolate. Today even that didn’t seem to help. So, in yet another attempt to lift my spirits I post:


DeniseinVA said...

What an absolutely gorgeous flower. That would pick me up no end. I hope you wake up with a smile tomorrow.

Ivanhoe said...

That picked me up - thank you. We have a same dreary, ugly weather here. But tomorrow, the sun should return :o)

Unknown said...

Dang I thought chocolate fixed everything. I felt much the same , taxes - hate them!