Sunday, April 6, 2008

Weekend Snapshot: Addiction

It’s ironic that just the other day, several of my blogger friends and I were discussing if we would be able to give up some of our modern technological devices: cell phone, TV, iPod, and the internet for a few days, say maybe even a week. I said, I would certainly be willing to forgo my cell phone (unless an emergency arouse). TV? Absolutely! I do not watch much TV and recently discussed having our cable turned off. That would be easy for me. Music, I confessed, would be difficult; however I could try. As for my computer and internet, no. I enjoy my picture taking and need the computer to upload and view the images taken. I would not be able to sacrifice this above a few hours. The internet, perhaps, on second thought…no!

Well, low and behold, yesterday morning my internet left me! And, mind you a computer without internet is like well….a computer without internet. Cold, lifeless and disconnected (sigh). As I bounded out of bed and fired up my laptop I couldn’t wait to double-click on that big friendly ‘E”…the one that says: “The world awaits!!!” Oh no! Wait! There must be something wrong! NOOOOOOO!!!!! How could this be happening to ME??!! I ran shouting down the hallway—robe flying behind me and hair flailing in the wind. Wide-eyed I ran to B, who startled from his sleep, could only assume by my state of panic either the house was on fire or we were out of chocolate. He could see, by the look in my eyes, something had gone terribly wrong. Wrong? It was a horror!! So, instead of spending this first Spring like day outside, poor B worked endlessly on fixing the internet connection. As the birds chirped outside the hard drive whirred madly inside. As the sun beat down upon the new little leaflets; B’s hammer beat down upon the outside of the modem! And, although, I was willing to keep him company, he insisted I go out and enjoy the day taking some photos. addicted?


Anonymous said...

Photography? That's one addiction you should feed on constantly. ;)
And these days, the computer and photography go hand in hand.

I've had the power go off during hurricane season at times, which means I'll also lose internet connection, and nothing makes you feel as if you've lost touch with society than that! LOL.

I found this post rather timely because last night I was trying to convince my hub that we should turn off the TV for a full year and stand back to watch what happens. Or at least several months. He wasn't convinced . *sigh*

Years ago, we had the TV off for several months after moving into a new house, and I didn't miss it one bit.
I'd love to do that again!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Laura ~ The internet was out for most of the day. I was amazed at how out of touch I felt.

Honestly, B and I watch morning news programs and I enjoy my "Charlie" (Gibson) in the evening. But other than that we rarely watch TV. Usually, I'm busy studying or surfing the net and B is programing the music for his station. In our free time we enjoy walking our dogs out in the fields or trying to catch up on some much needed sleep. Yes, we think it's time to unplug the TV.

Michele said...

LOL... great post and yes, I'm addicted to my internet as well but I do love my photography and wow, this is a beautiful photo. I am impressed!!!

Thanks for your comment.
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

Anonymous said...

i think i could do with no tv (or cable), too ... as long as i have the internet, my computer, and my camera! :)

Jan said...

the background of your photo matches with your blog background. beautiful shot.

have a good week!

Wirelessbliss said...

i can proudly say that i can live without anything, just let me have my meals--that was before! now, internet is my only way out of homesickness...and catching those weird scenes happening outside.

nway, check out my weekend shot here and tell me what you think :)

Carver said...

That's a beautiful shot. I know what you mean about the internet. I actually turned my computer off a week ago Friday night and didn't turn it back on for well over 24 hours. It was part of my earth hour extended activities and I was surprised that it wasn't that hard. The only thing I used all day was a battery operated radio and I only listened to two shows on that. It was kind of nice but it would bother me if I hadn't planned on it and woke up unable to access the internet. I hope your issues are resolved and you will remain connected.

L^2 said...

Great post! And I totally agree, a computer without the internet doesn't have the same appeal.

Photography is another addiction I don't want to give up. I was forced to take a two or three month break from it a couple of years ago after Willow and I broke my old camera, and I couldn't stand it. I eventually resorted to borrowing my Sister's camera for a week or so, just to "get a fix". LOL

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

A computer without internet is like a typewriter. How fun is that? I love the picture. Flowers always make me happy!

Natalie said...

I hate when the internet dies. I lose my connection to the outside world.

SandyCarlson said...

That's a great shot. I love the lighting.

Nothing makes me nuttier than a non-functioning modem--except the call to our provider.

I hope all is well soon. Thanks for this photo.

Anna said...

What a great photo...Great shot.. Thanks for sharing...
Mine is up:
My Newphew's Scrap Place
Scrap Addict Fever

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Thanks everyone, I am happy to report my internet is once again up and running. It's still very slow, so I am looking into an external drive for all my photos. Do any of my photographer blogging friends have any suggestions on which one I should look into?

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. good to know your internet is running ok now. thats a great shot of the cherryblossom. I wish i have one in our backyard

Anonymous said...

I was laughing here while reading your post. I could just imagine. And you perfectly described how it was.

eastcoastlife said...

It would be good to keep away from the internet for a couple of days but a week!? No.

maryt/theteach said...

Boy do I know how you felt! The Internet should NEVER go out! You are lucky you live with someone who can fix it! I have to talk hours on the phone to people at the cable company and then, usually, they say maybe you should switch out your modem (that means take it to a store and get another one which should work)) We have to get to that point where its like our phone which hardly ever goes out...even more reliable than the phone!! You've got me all worked up now! :D

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

the teach ~ did you ever notice it's never the cable company, it's always the modem which needs to be replaced?

I see I am not the only one with an internet addiction.